The Ballad Of Noah Wallace

Few could argue the importance of Hollywood to the Glam Movement past , present and now future because, here today, we have Hollywood's new Glam Guru Hammered Satin's Noah Wallace! However Noah's journey did not start with Hammered Satin (more of those cats later). His journey has been one of the most sparkling attitude drenched rides of glam , glitter , highs (literally) , lows , mafia loan sharks and, yeah, junk shop glam!
Hi Noah , what was your first musical love and how did that lead to you forming your own band?
Noah Wallace ; When I was an early teenager I was into punk rock and 60s' garage stuff. Then, when I was 19 or so, I discovered the 'Milk & Cookies' album and that record made me want to start a band; that and a lot of 70s' glam like The Sweet , T.Rex , Kenny and The Bay City Rollers etc. This was in the late 1990s when I started playing music.
Wow! You navigated straight to the cool stuff glam wise that Milk & Cookies Lp is not only hard to find but an essential part in any glitter fiend's collection! Was the band you formed Teacher's Pet?
NW ; Well is wasn't exactly straight. I progressed from punk and hardcore to 70s' no wave to 60s' garage and psyche to power pop and then graduated to the best genre of all Glam and Bubblegum!This all happened in my teens over a few years collecting records. I remember the moment I found the Milk & Cookies album in a store in San Diego called 'Nostaliga Records' and yes, it is pretty rare. I found that LP and a Rubettes LP each for $8! I was so excited about Milk & Cookies never having heard it. Just by judging the photo on the record cover I knew it would be cool. I drove that thing home as fast as I could and it really made an impact on me! Back in the 90s it really truly felt like I was the only one on the planet Earth that knew about or owned a copy. My good friend & roommate at that time, who I turned them onto , William Martin, has since re-issued it on his label 'Radio Heartbeat' around the mid 2000s. Now, a lot of people know about them which is super cool! It has actually been re-issued a few times now, but even cooler than that is that Hammered Satin got to play with Milk & Cookies (my heroes) two years ago here in LA! But back to Teacher's Pet.
(Below is Noah and Teacher's Pet guitarist Richard in the studio)
We were a San Diego based band . Not sure exactly when we started but maybe 98 , 99 or 2000. Our record came out in 2001 and we lasted until 2003. We dressed up in Kenny inspired jumpsuits that we had custom made, white with a giant red satin T (instead of K for Kenny) on the chest. We also had matching pink number with silver and metallic pink lame stars on the bell bottoms and butts! We actually copied 70s' Danish glam band 'The Walkers' for that look!
(Above is Noah's debut and Teacher's Pet's only release. left to right Richard , Ian, Noah & Kiao )
We played some crazy shows mostly in San Diego but also in San Francisco and L.A. (Silverlake & Hollywood) a few times. We had a giant teddy bear and our own cheerleaders and at the end we would form a pyramid.We were bubblegum and glam purists. No one else was doing that at the time and probably no one else now either. lol. It was a fun band and we always put on a show. My vocal style was heavily influenced by Justin Strauss (Milk & Cookies vocalist) during Teacher's Pet. I can't remember how I got the band together; might've been through adds in the local papers. I feel like Ian and Richard and I met at parties in San Diego. Kaio, our keyboard player - I'm uncertain how she ended up in the band. She was a classically trained musician and helped make us sound more professional. We had a revolving door of bass players (much like my revolving door of drummers with Hammered Satin, hahha!). Anyway , I still can't believe I somehow convinced them all to wear those jumpsuits! Hahahahahahaha! Our matching outfits made an impact though. We were on the local news a few times. We won some awards at the San Diego music awards for 'You're Too Young'. We were local sensations . The local newspaper called us "The Bay City Rollers of El Cajon Blvd". I remember thinking that was rad! After we broke up I wanted to do something bigger so I moved to LA.
Wow the Bay City Rollers of El Cajon Blvd, nice! It seems although you only put out the one single (see above for images) you put yourselves about quite a lot. When you moved to LA was it on your own or with bandmates and how quickly did S'cool Girls get together?
NW ; I moved to LA to start S'cool Girls with Peter Sodergren.
S'cool Girls . Line up left to right Peter Sodergren (Guitar) , Travis Smith (Drums), Daniel Harju (Bass) & Noah Wallace
NW ; I met Peter at a Teacher's Pet gig in San Fran. He was the coolest. Looked like he was in 'The Dutch Outsiders' or something. Perfect bangs , white fur vest and striped trousers this guy was literally king of the 60s' mods in Gothenburg, Sweden! He wanted nothing to do with me at the time and only wanted to talk to the chicks! My cheerleaders! We bumped into each other in LA and became quick friends, S'cool girls started as a cartoon. We drew a cartoon of what we wanted the band to look like when it was only Peter and me. Visuals always came first. I don't understand bands that don't dress up or have long hair. That's too boring for me. But I am fringe and kooky as fuck so at least I realize how bonkers I am! But visual aesthetics have always been most important to me; music comes second. If you're a creative genius and look groovy then, of course, the songs will be great. Or should I say visuals and sound are equally important if you wanna be the full package. I grew up with artist parents , painting and drawing as a child and throughout grade school, so maybe that accounts for why visual details are important to me.
Exactly I could not agree more Noah there is no excuse for lack of effort and yes if you have the outlook and vision for an image and show that is a firm platform(!) to build upon plus throw in art n kookiness that should be a dynamite combination. Back to S'cool girls, did the line up come together quickly after you and Peter got together and did you start to write straightaway with Peter; seems like you were on the same line let alone page?
NW ; Sort of quickly but not exactly. Had to try out a few drummers one being a member of The Brian Jonestown Massacre but he didn't make the cut. Peter and I had the style already so we really just had to dress up the drummer and bass player to make it cohesive. Daniel Peter's roommate became the bass player and was also from Sweden. I should maybe mention the drummer that didn't make the cut and shall remain nameless for this was a talented guy but showed up for the audition with a crack pipe! We were a party band but that was just too hard core for us, in the beginning anyway. That stuff just makes you unable to perform and speak a sentence or play an instrument at all, especially if you have been up on a three day bender! Pretty sure he's clean and doing well today.Anyway . S'cool Girls started playing some shows. Our first gig was at an Indian restaurant in the Los Feliz part of LA called 'Electric Lotus'. Peter, Daniel and I had make up and bell bottoms on. Daniel had a pearl necklace on and Peter and I wore femme-looking scarves. We all wore platform shoes and jumped on the tables, walking on chairs and being as wild as possible! We were never really a "tight" band live. It was very loose like a train wreck but a cool glamorous one that was fun to watch. New York Dollsy I guess but also very Junk Shop Glam inspired with the writing. We lifted stuff from rare 45s that no one else knew about at the time. Nowadays it's trendy to collect obscure glam records and they all cost a fortune. They used to be cheap before the "Junk Shop Glam" title came along. All of this was 2003ish. S'cool Girls ran from 2003 to 2007.
S'cool Girls ; Daniel , Noah , Peter & Travis
We played live and quickly became a popular LA band. Then we landed an indie record deal and released the S'cool Girls E.P. in 2004.
(Above S'cool Girls only release the S'cool Girl E.P. CD issue only on Intravenous Records)
NW ; We got on T.V a few times. G4 channel 'Attack of the Show' and an MTV show called 'Fast Inc'. That one featured us in an episode and made us a silver S'cool Girls tour van (just for T.V.) for us with our logo on in hot pink on the side. It looked like a 70s' spaceship!As an aside at the time, we rode around in a leopard print limo which probably didn't endear us to anyone either! The limo belonged to an old school mafia loan shark called "Marvelous Marvin" who lived up Doheny in the Hollywood Hills. We used to go to gigs in it. Then, he hiked the price of the limo rental up like crazy after he'd let me use it for a "discounted rate" several times. Then out of the blue he's like "you owe me 2k"! He threatened me, sent goons after me and told me he knew where my parents lived! So I had to get Jack Nicholson's daughter, Jennifer, to bail me out. Needless to say, I never used that limo again! LOL! Haha crazy times.
What a fantastic car and statement! Here is the said leopard print limo!
I was a fashion model as well in the 2000s and a designer tried to get us signed to Sire Records. They set up a meeting with Linda Ramone & Seymour Stein. Seemed like a green light but out indie label (Intravenous) told Sire not to sign us last minute as we were a liability since we did too much coke. They (the indie label) found a coke baggy in the tour van they rented for us to go to SXSW. They were not happy with us at all. The other band we toured with got signed to Virgin or Capitol. I don't know what the big deal was? Seemed like everyone did coke during that time. It was a heart-breaking ordeal for me.Another time we got called into Island /Def Jam offices on the Sunset Strip and only Peter and I showed up since our drummer didn't want to take time off work and our bass player didn't want to take time off school, so it wasn't a good look just having 2 of us showing up, lol.We almost got signed a third time to Casablanca but that's another story. Basically drugs and alcohol screwing everything up for us. But we initially had no intention on getting a major label deal. I come from an underground background seeing bands like 'Nation of Ulysses', 'The Make Up' and 'Slant 6' when I was 16 years old in the 90s. That underground mentality was anti-mainstream and I never thought of those big labels or it even being a possibility. It wasn't cool. It's only because S'cool Girls got a lot of hype in LA with our shows. Steve Jones (Sex Pistols) would play out music on his radio show on Indie 103.1 regularly. He said we were his favourite new band and came to see us, blah..blah..blah...Kim Fowley called me blah..blah..blah...Rodney Bingenhimer loved us etc. We didn't mean to get that much attention! We were also in a lot of print magazines like Italian Rolling Stone, They did a 6 page spread on us thanks to my fashion photographer friend, Sasha Eisenman. We had a big buzz but blew it!
The above two photographs were from Australian MAGAZINE 'Oyster'. Top photo left to right; Peter Sodergren (Guitars) , Jason Shapiro (A short term member from La faves, Celebrity skin and now Redd Kross on 2nd Guitar) , Noah , Travis Smith (Drums) & Daniel Harju (Bass). Bottom photo left to right ; Travis , Daniel , Peter , Noah & Jason
Wowie! What a roller coaster ride! That e.p is a killer time capsule for you then. What made you cover the Andy Scott / Mick Tucker penned (for Angel UK band not the USA one) Little Boy Blue? You said you lifted some of the obscure glam (like Little Boy Blue) did you cover more and that track just came out the best. Also rumour has it that you recorded a full length album but the producer lost his mind and it didn't get released. Were the tracks on the supposed lp on the e.p. or was it different songs?
We did a few glam covers like Rebels Rule by Iron Virgin and were a Rock n Roll Band 'The Walkers' but we did a kick ass version of Rod Stewart's 'Do You Think I'm Sexy' but the label wouldn't or couldn't release it because Paris Hilton did her version at the same time lol. We recorded some more songs to make a full length album with another guitarist (Nicky P) , only because around that time Peter got hit by a drunk driver walking across the street on La Brea in Hollywood and couldn't play guitar for a year or two. Wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to play guitar again but a year later he played 2 last shows and final shows with us in 2007.The album that never got released was engineered by J J Blair, a Grammy Award winner for Rod Stewart and Rage Against The Machine lol. We actually had Mike Garson (the pianist from Bowie's 'Spiders From Mars') play piano on a track called 'Kitty Satellite'. The album sounded great but I got into a fight with the guitar player and JJ about song writitng credits and some other things , so it never came out. It felt weird to move on without Peter anyhow. The guitar player who plays on it Nicky P was 49 at the time which is old for getting a record deal. Daniel and I were still in out 20s at this point. We were in talks with Casablanca Records but they said we needed to get a younger drummer before they would sign us. Nicky had this 52 year old session guy playing on the recordings and he was hell bent on keeping him in the band. Another reason we got into a fight. This was a dark period for the band that led to its eventual demise in 2007. The album sounds great though. It is a shame it stays unreleased. Jonesy (Steve Sex Pistols) started to play a track or two on his radio show but quickly JJ and Nicky had a lawyer slap an injunction on it and it was pulled from radio. Peter's shattered arm recovered to play the aforementioned last one or two gigs with us but he was up on stage with pins in his arm! Sadly Peter passed away from a drug overdose in 2009. That hit me hard; we were best friends. I was in Sweden, over there on a DJ tour when I found out through an email. I had been clean and sober for a little time at that point but the sad news hit me so hard that I couldn't deal so I relapsed to sorta try to confront or numb myself but that didn't work of course.
Peter and Noah in better times.
NW; Now Nicky P was a fabulous guitar player and he had previously played in Ben Harper's group. We just had clashing egos and butted heads. In the 2000s my ego was outta control and I'm sure many people didn't like me at the time lol! With my modelling and just being popular in Hollywood I thought I was unstoppable, invincible. Boy, was I wrong! Around this time Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie asked me to be on their reality show in the V.I.P. lounge of a Las Vegas night club. I just laughed in their faces. I knew them from Hollywood Parties like the Karl Lagerfeld Champagne tasting party at his house in Beverly Hills; that was when I met the Mael Bros from Sparks and was totally star-struck. Anyhoot , some people hated Peter and me for being so cocky. We were playing a role and wanted to be like the 70s' band we worshipped 'The Hollywood Brats'. We lived the excessive lifestyle to the extreme. Those were fun days. I'm grateful to have lived through it. Peter didn't make it. Tragic and heart-breaking. I can't party like that anymore. I wouldn't be able to manage being in a band if I did.
Partying S'cool Girls style!
At this point before 'Hammered Satin' you were living like your heroes 'The Hollywood Brats', only Stateside! That is really sad about Peter but it sounds like it was over anyway at that point. Of course news like that is news no one wants and until you are there you never know how you will cope with it. Did you stay away from music after this because , even with the best will in the world, I think anyone would be burned out at this point?
NW ; After S'cool Girls broke up I went down to San Diego and did electrical work. That was humbling. I worked on my sobriety and saved some money to do some DJ gigs and go on tour with a friends band from Sweden , 'The Ark'.
Wow hit the ground with a bump and then some. I remember seeing photographs from The Ark tour , I bet that was fun! Did that re-ignite your passion for music again?
NW ; Yeah probably! I got to see how huge these guys were in Sweden and all over Europe. It felt like Beatle mania with all the teenybopper fans they had. They aren't know in the US but they were the most famous band in Sweden besides ABBA or something. I knew if I ever wanted to start another band and to succeed at all I'd have to do it sober.
So how did the idea for "Hammered Satin" come to you?
Hammered Satin left to right Conor Behrle (Guitars) , Noah & Dan Sandvick (bass)
NW ; In 2010 I was hosting a night club in Hollywood. That's where I met Conor Berhle. I saw the back of his hair at the bar and noticed the cut. Total 70s' rock n roll shag. Wasn't sure if it was a boy or a girl from behind. I asked, "Do you play guitar"? He said, "Yes" and we had tons of similar music tastes. He had heard of S'cool Girls and just moved from Baltimore so it wasn't too hard to convince him to play with me. I had been jamming with Dan Sandvick already at this point and all we needed was a guitarist. The name Hammered Satin came about probably because I lived with a fashion stylist Roberta Wagner and doing stylist work I learned about different fabrics like hammered satin. We had a slightly heavier sound than 'Teacher's Pet' and 'S'cool Girls' so I thought naming yourself after a particularly female fabric; what's glammer than that? lol
Pretty much nothing ha ha! I don't know how long ago but I remember seeing video teasers of you guys playing some songs. How long did you rehearse before facing the world with a new act and was it scary doing it sober?
NW; We started playing live shows before we recorded anything. First show was in San Fran. Nicky P was there watching it like Gargamel from the Smurfs Lol. Our first show in LA was at a trendy Hollywood night club called Bardot and we killed it! Lynsey Lohan and Kelly Osbourne were there. Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs told me that our song 'Glitter Goddess' sounded like a hit to her! I gave a little speech about female empowerment right before we played it. It was a very encouraging first gig and yes playing sober is totally different. I used to drink to calm my nerves before a show. I grew up as a kid horribly shy and afraid to even talk to people. Booze helped me get over this. But I had enough recovery in me to know that I'd be all right and own it and kill it stone cold sober.
Hammered Satin's first release cassette only limited numbered copies. Track listing is , Side A 'Quasar Queen' 'Lonely Tiger' 'Foxy Dude' 'Astral Projection'. Side B 'Glitter Goddess' 'Interstellar Lady' 'Cougar Kingdom' 'Light Speed Driver'
What a comeback! When did you know it was time to record and how did 'Glamorama' come together?
'Glamorama' Vinyl LP Version
click here to buy 'Glamorama' vinyl lp
'Glamorama' Cassette version (no CD was issued)
Click here to buy 'Glamorama' Cassette version
NW ; 'Glamorama', named after the fashion / horror novel by Brett Easton Ellis was our first release so we wanted to make an impact. It was an expensive album to make but since I had a sweet fashion stylist gig making big bucks and some help from Conor's mum we were able to fund it ourselves. Engineer Norm Block hooked us up with the big sound we were after at the time. Paul Behan who runs a big PR company in LA called 'Manimal', Paul managed to get us great press in Rolling Stone mag and Yahoo music once we had some music videos going for the album. The album was released on Burger Records. They hit me up to release both 'Teacher's Pet' and 'S'cool Girls'. I tired to get Nicky P and JJ to release the unreleased S'cool Girls' album on Burger but wound up just doing Hammered Satin.
I don't doubt it was expensive to make because it sounds huge, lots of layering of vocals and that stomping 70s' sound without sounding retro. I really love the record. For me stand out tracks are 'Quasar Queen' and the ultimate glam anthem 'Emily' among others. The videos you mentioned look awesome and such fun but with the songs to back 'em up. Do you have any background on any of the songs and anything that stands out? 'Emily' was a little autobiograghical wasn't it?
NW ; Yeah 'Emily' is just based on the true stuff that happened to me while in Sweden and Denmark and I talk about Peter in that song. 'Quasar Queen' is about a Swedish horse named 'Thin Lizzy' and its owner. 'Glamorama' is based on the aforementioned novel. 'Multiple Personalites' and 'Lonely Tiger' are about that lost hopeless feeling you get when you think you'll never find a soul mate or love interest again. Some of the other songs are fictional imaginary fantasy songs like 'Interstellar Lady', 'Foxy Dude' and 'Light Speed Driver'; basically the rest of them lol.Can you tell me how those videos ( 'Emily' and 'Foxy Dude' ) came about?NW ; The 'Emily' video (click here to view on you tube), we actually filmed at Nicky P's house in LA. I'm friends with the guy still. I had been booking models for a lot of photo shoots so 'Photogenics' agency hooked me up with the model who played Emily. We really didn't have a plan for that video or drummer (lol) but it came out looking cool, since my pal Jesse (J Kelly ) filmed it. 'Foxy Dude' (click here to view on you tube) was a crazy production. A fan who became a close friend named Trip Loon directed it. He flew us all out to NYC to shoot it. We had a big budget so I wanted a poodle. It was between a helicopter and a poodle so we went with the poodle, "one take Jake". We had dancers, a bunny, models and castings, insane vintage clothes from our pal Gerard at 'What Goes Around Comes Around'. In the video, I'm wearing a "Granny takes a trip" jacket that belonged to Ronnie Wood in the 70s. We filmed a bit at Gerard's house. It was a fun party shooting that video. Dan wound up in diapers and a pacifier (dummy). I had three hair stylists working on my hair simultaneously to get a Snoop Dog curly hair do. Conor was in drag. The video is hilarious. I had the time of my life filming that thing. It actually made Rolling Stone magazines top 20 videos of the year 2014 in at number 19 lol!
Click here to view "Foxy Dude" on you tube.
Proof of fun!
Behind the scenes of the "Foxy Dude" video!
Since the release of 'Glamorama' your output musically has been 7" singles , starting with 'Reptilian' / 'Good Little Girl'
'Reptilian' single release front cover back cover front insert back insert black vinyl issue gold vinyl issue
Click here to view 'Reptilian' on you tube
Click here to view 'Good Little Girl' on you tube
'Reptilian' has sold out but try Ebay
Then 'Strawberries and Cream' / 'UFO'
click here to buy 'Strawberries & Cream' vinyl single
Click here to view the 'Strawberries and Cream' video on you tube
Click here to view 'UFO' on you tube
And just a while back 'Upward Spiral' / 'Lavender Lightning Lady'
Click here to buy 'Upwards Spiral' single
Click here to view 'Upwards Spiral' video on you tube
Click here to view 'Lavender Lighting Lady' video on you tube
Are you just releasing singles because of the state of how people buy music nowadays, you know the throw away culture we have or is it the record deal you have or do you like to get the music out quickly instead of waiting for an album to come out? I did see that you are recording again was that for a new single or are we looking at a full length album?
NW ;The 45 singles are mainly to push the 70s' junk shop glam agenda. Also, they are faster to make but they are expensive to make and people don't buy them as much as an LP or even a CD. Most people would rather listen online for free. I don't think very many people even own a record player nowadays. It makes for good merch though. We sell a lot of them on tour along with T shirts, It's really just a novelty luxury type thing to do if you can afford it or if you have a label willing to pay for it. I wouldn't recommend it for any other band lol. Being a record collector, I only collect singles, 45s, mostly picture sleeves from the 70s and mostly glam. A bit of bubblegum. I have more than anyone I've met in California, maybe even the USA. A few that have more than me such as Robin Hills in the U.K. He was in a band called 'The Barracudas' and has a killer blog called "Pure Pop" if anyone is interested in learning more about this sub - genre. The name Junk Shop Glam was coined by Jesus and The Mary Chain guitarist, Phil King. He made some compilations in the mid to late 2000s 'Velvet Tinmine', 'Glitter From The Litter Bin' and 'Glitterbest'. Before those compilations came out, I used to call it simply glam, glitter rock or bubblegum crunch rock. Before those compilations were released, the records were cheap because no one wanted them yet. You'd find them in junk shops or we call them thrift stores here in the USA.But, yes, we are overdue for a second album! I need to convince a label to pay for it. That's really the reason why its taking so long. The indie labels don't have the money to pay for recording sessions. All they do is release it for you. Although 'Radcat' has paid for our recording sessions before which was amazing.Recording an album is at least 10,000$ or 5000$ if you wanna cut corners and do a quick sloppy job. We're an underground D.I.Y. band on D.I.Y. indie labels. Maybe that's why electronic music is a big thing. You can make it on your laptop for next to nothing; rock bands cost more.
We recently went into the studio to record again. 'Radcat' records asked me to write their theme song called 'Radcat Records'. It came out sounding very Milk n Cookies , S'cool Girls and Teacher's Pet sounding. The other song is called 'Silver Streak' and it's a novelty motorbike themed song with slide guitar played by my girlfriend Elizabeth Boyd of 'The Flytraps' who is now a new member of Hammered Satin on second guitar. We were lucky to accidentally find an engineer who actually listened to all the junk shop glam 45s on You Tube. Liked and asked was I able to match specific tones, effects and sounds from them. He has a killer 70s' vintage recording equipment and analogue tape machines. We nailed the junk shop glam sound, so I'm excited to release them soon.
click here to buy 'Silver Streak' digital download
click here to buy "Radcat Records digital download
click here to view the awesome new "Silver Streak" video!
click here to view the awesome "Radcat Recods" promo video!
You and me too Noah, awesome news seems like a single is on the horizon then! Talking of junk shop glam you mentioned your DJ gigs earlier how did 'Velvet Tinmine' with Don Bolles (Legendary drummer!) come about? Was it your gig and Don just joined in or have you been friends for a while and just decided to do it....From what footage I have seen these look wild and fun nights, to say the least!
NW; Yeah 'Velvet Tinmine' named after the famous compilation is a monthly DJ night I do with Don Bolles of bands like Germs , 45 Grave , Celebrity Skin , Space , Ariel Pink and Zolar X. I met Don way back during the Teacher's Pet days and turned him onto a lot of glam records back then and over the years through S'cool Girls and even still today. We've been doing the DJ night together for an entire year now and each month we both buy a lot of singles in Discogs and through friends and collectors around the World. Most of the best stuff is from Holland. The Dutch really nail the glam thing. The UK and Germany are also great for glam singles.It's amazing to see people dancing to the obscure records they've never heard before. The glam sound is so catchy and hooky that it is easy to dance to! When I sang in Europe on DJ tours with that band from Sweden 'The Ark', people loved it and danced a lot. I didn't think Americans would really ever be that hip but they are now in LA. Don has also been spinning Junk Shop at after parties on the 'Airel Pink' tours across the US. The response has been amazing. Finally, people are starting to catch on how great this (JUNK SHOP GLAM) music is and that's a good thing. I was floored when I saw people dancing to Good Grief Christina by Chicory Tip and Chewing Gum Rock by Nicky Bulldog and Les Marylenes , Hector , Iron Virgin , Rats , skin and Daddy Maxfield's Rave and Rock etc.....People are totally losing their minds and going bonkers and ape shit at our little ole "Monty Bar" in downtown LA. We didn't expect that at all when we first started the night. People actually dress up in sparkly glam clothes and put glitter on their faces for out night. It's kind of incredible, for me anyway.
Yeah sounds like the place to be once a month for sure and yes bottom line more people who hear it the better. More people loving glam rock can only be a good thing in my world too! Talking of other bands' records what current bands are you grooving to? We know the Glam Skanks over here in the U.K quite well and they played with you and you did a Bowie duet with them.
NW; Yes we've played with them (Glam Skanks) here in LA a number of times. 'The Flytraps' are my fave current band right now. There's also 'Dirty Fences', 'Starcrawler', 'Trouble Boys', 'Mama', 'Dirty Sweet' , 'Cheap fur' and 'Color T.V.' and many more. All are very cool bands to go and see live.
Nice tips! So one final question what is on the cards for Noah and 'Hammered Satin' in 2018?
NW ; Were playing a sold out show tonight (January 2018) in San Diego at the Casbah opening for our pals 'Dirty Sweet'. We have a new release coming out. 'Radcat Records' is going to film two videos for that. We have another European tour scheduled for August. This will be our third time over there. Other than that I don't really know yet but usually the best things are surprises.
Left to right Elizabeth Boyd (Guitars) , Dan Sandvick (Bass) , Noah . Conor Behrle (Guitars) & Victor Penalosa (Drums)
Great onwards and upwards for you and 'Hammered Satin' any chance of any U.K dates in there?
NW ; It's not looking like U.K is on the cards for us at the moment but things could change. Our booking agent is only booking Spain , France and Portugal. We have friends in Sweden, Germany and Denmark that will be excited to book us there again directly through us. I have some British friends but none I could rely on booking us a gig yet. But who knows? I've never exactly asked any of them before.
Let's hope. The best things are surprises. O.K. Noah thanks for your time and KEEP IT GLAM!
NW; Thanks Darren!!! That was fun hope I didn't yap too much lol. HAHHAHHAHHAH
Want more Hammered Satin? click here for their brand new 2018 website or click here for their facebook page.
Interview conducted Jan / Feb 2018. Many thanks to Noah for all his time and help. Keep it glam Noah!
photographs courtesy of Noah Wallace , Sasha Eisenman and suitsandtheplatformboots vaults
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